We highly advise that you aim to be in Pine Valley around 2:45pm because parking is off-site about 1/4 mile ahead of the venue. From there, we will then have a hayride shuttle bringing people over to the actual property! Thank you!
We highly advise that you aim to be in Pine Valley around 2:45pm because parking is off-site about 1/4 mile ahead of the venue. From there, we will then have a hayride shuttle bringing people over to the actual property! Thank you!
October 16, 2021
Pine Valley, CA

Gina & Zachary


to have and to hold

Zachary Zimmerman


Gina Holslag

October 16, 2021

Pine Valley, CA

Our Story

Dating Apps aren't for everyone, but they were for these two love birds! After fighting it for years, Gina decided to download a relatively new, and her first dating app, called Hinge. Zach, having a couple friends using the same app, decided to download it himself. Not taking it super seriously out of the gate, Zach decided to create a March Madness theme out of his Hinge profile. Thankfully, Gina with her above average sense of humor, giggled at this and reached out to Zach by calling him "rad". Zach, never being called rad before, was immediately intrigued. The curious singles decided to meet at Lighthouse Ice Cream in Ocean Beach, San Diego. While eating ice cream they ventured along the beach and talked for hours. Both claimed this date to be the "best first date" they had ever been on. Zach was eager for date number two, however Gina chose to fake an illness and make him wait twelve days before meeting up again. The second date featured a trip to a magic show where Zach walked right up to the front of the stage and pretended he had just brought Gina to his own magic show. She wasn't impressed with this, even though magic is cool. Thankfully, when she found out he was joking, she continued on the date with him. These first two dates were the first of many to come in the next few months. Gina left her church and began attending Zach's, at Barabbas Road Church in Clairemont, San Diego. Along with attending the same church, they would strengthen their knowledge for God's word by attending Theology and Apologetic classes weekly. At around four months of dating, the couple began doing long-distance as Zach moved up to LA for work. Long-distance was not easy for either of the two, but their love for one another, love for the Lord, and eagerness to marry and start a family centered around God, was what pushed them forward! Zach proposed to Gina on May 14, 2021 at the Carlsbad Flower Fields amongst friends and family. Their love story continues on 10/16/21.

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